Top Techniques To Teach Values To Your Children
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Every parent is concerned with creating the best possible environment for their child and ensuring they have as many opportunities as possible. This is a great way to help your child develop a natural curiosity and be prepared to try new things. There is no better way to help them become inquisitive and find new solutions to issues.
But, it can be harder to define values and how to teach your child these. Of course, it is important to do so, having the right moral code is essential for the safety of society and success in life.
It Starts With Early Learning
It is essential to choose a reputable early learning facility, such as this early learning Croydon. Having the support of a good centre makes it much easier to ensure your child develops the morals and values you feel they need. An early learning centre must reinforce your values and you should establish this is the case when you first visit them.
Lead By Example
Children, especially very young ones, are excellent at copying and mimicking behaviour. It is one of the best ways for them to learn new information. You will also find it is much easier to teach them values by showing them how you behave than it is to simply tell them.
For example, you can talk about race and how it is right to see all people as equal. But, if you then walk down the street and cross over because a black man is walking toward you, what example are you really setting your children? That is why it is essential to consider your own behaviour first and make sure you are setting the right example.
Get Involved In Their Decisions
You can’t force your children to talk about the decisions they make but they are making value-based decisions all the time. It is a good idea to ask them about their day and encourage them to talk to you about the dilemmas they have faced or are facing.
If you are lucky your child will ask for advice and you can help guide them, knowing that this will help to shape their moral conscience later in life.
If they have already made a decision or acted a certain way but tell you all about it, you can take the opportunity to tell them they made a good decision, providing they did.
This will reinforce their values or give you the option to discuss why what they did is morally wrong. But, always discuss, never preach!
Talk About Yourself
Whether you can get your children to open up or not, you can still talk about your own decisions that you have made and ask your child whether they think they were good decisions or not. This will help them to think about values and decide what is the right option in different situations.
This knowledge will be useful to them in the future as you start to shape their personality and ensure they have a good set of values.