6 Ways You Can Help Others that Will Advance Your Career
- Written by Diana Smith

Every good boss or coworker should have their company’s interest at the top of their mind at all times, which naturally involves helping other people. However, we often get too focused on our personal gain that we totally forget about the people around us, even though best business opportunities usually come from providing your direct and indirect help. So, here’s how you can give a helping hand that will lead you to success.
Share your knowledge
One of the best, easiest and quickest ways to help people is to share information. Knowledge is always valuable and it can be transferred in different ways, not just teaching in front of a classroom! Every day you can help someone by sharing your expertise and giving valuable information. You can even become a mentor to a talent in your company! Encouraging someone, transferring your skills and watching them grow and advance is one of the best feelings in the world. Plus, you’ll know you’ll have an educated, experienced and loyal addition to your team in your protégé. However, if you’re not ready to retire, make sure to never stop learning yourself, so that you don’t fall back and lose your value.
Share your resources
All resources you invest can be used to advance your career, but also help someone else! Do you have a contact that needs quick help on a job and a person on your team with some free time? Share your resources and help both parties! Do you have movie tickets for screening you can’t attend? Don’t give up on these unused resources before you find someone to connect them with! Oftentimes, even small things like that can mean a lot in the long run.
Share opportunities
Always keep an eye on good business opportunities, even if you yourself are content at your position. No matter if the opportunity involves a new business proposal, a potential client or just good press—it all counts! Once you see something interesting, try to find a person who can benefit from it. Another way you can help people your work with is indirectly, by helping their loved ones find a job. Many times, your business connections can help you find just the right fit. This way, you’ll earn the respect of your workers and do a good deed for their entire family.
Become a support worker
If you want to give back to your community and help people directly, you can do that in many ways and reap various benefits. However, the best and the safest way to help people in need is to find a trusted platform such as Mable that offers different levels of support worker jobs. They will connect you with a person that needs assistance, so you can aim your help in the right direction. A job like this will not only allow you to earn an extra income while giving back to your community, but also help you make valuable relationships that stem from something pure and helpful!
Give valuable feedback
Even though giving feedback can often be tricky, because some people don’t like being criticized, the right person will value it more than anything. However, be careful when giving honest feedback! Insulting someone’s work and telling them they aren’t doing a good job is not valuable criticism. Instead, tell them how they can improve, provide them with good examples and praise their successes. Some will mind your input, but some will really appreciate it. In the long run, improving efficiency and performance of your employees and coworkers will benefit the entire collective.
Give introductions
No matter what your position at work is, you must know some important people. Talking is important in the business world, and one right introduction and conversation can advance someone’s career in the blink of an eye. So, if you’re friends with somebody who is a valuable contact or client, don’t hesitate to make introductions.
Every once in a while, send an introduction you think can spark a successful partnership between two parties. However, make sure to be credible and advocate only legit workers.
Helping those around you can often require a lot of effort, time and resources, and even encounter resistance. However, there will always be employees and coworkers who deserve and value assistance and know how to return it in a way that will certainly advance your career or help your company grow.