What is RPL in Australia?

RPL is Recognised Prior Learning and refers to skills you already have that can be credited for further study or learning. For example, previous courses you have taken, your current or past skills, and work-based knowledge can allow you to apply and have those skills recognised. If further study requires you to do a module or course for which you feel you already have the knowledge and skills, you can apply for this to be recognised and fast-track Australian qualification requirements.
You can use prior study, skills, accredited online courses, and knowledge to fast-track your formal qualifications and shorten your study time. This recognises what you already know, making advancing your qualifications quicker and possibly even cheaper.
Who Can Grant RPL in Australia?
Only an Australian Registered Training Organisation or RTO is legally able to assess and recognise ‘Recognised Prior Learning’ or ‘RPL’ in Australia. It's more complex than saying, “I have a coffee machine at home, so I'm a qualified barista.” An assessment process is required for you to get previous life experience, short work courses, or prior learning recognised for RPL certification. Having these assessments and approvals conducted by a Registered Training Organisation means that any RPL granted is legal and not just an accreditation but a qualification.
Who Can Apply for RPL In Australia?
Anyone can apply for RPL if their experience fits the criteria. However, generally accepted for assessment are:
Short courses from recognised trainers
Workplace courses and accreditations
Workplace and industry experience
TAFE or University courses
Workplace or study professional programs
Life experience in some cases
Finally, overseas qualifications, previous study, and workplace experience.
What's Involved in Getting Your RPL Portfolio Together?
To build an effective RPL Portfolio, you must provide evidence of your experience and knowledge. There are different types of evidence you should collect.
Direct evidence of your qualifications is the best evidence available. Certificates of learning, licences, records of prior courses and learning from past or current employers, records of qualifications, and professional memberships are all prime examples.
Indirect evidence is basically employment or experience proof, such as photos and videos of prior working environments or you completing related tasks, professional memberships to relevant authorities, references from employers or past colleagues, employment contracts, and even resumes.
Finally, indirect evidence such as published articles you have written, conference attendance, reports, and diary entries can bolster your application.
Anyone with prior learning, overseas qualifications, or significant life experience can apply for RPL. It's worth taking into account when considering further study; your higher qualification may be attainable easier than you think.