Modern Australian

Working At Instinct Education: Insider Look At What It’s Like Working For Australian CEO Connor Marriott

One of Australia’s industry leading coaching businesses, Instinct Education, is switching things up with a bold new move. The innovative Australian company is setting a ‘new standard’ for Australian coaches, following Instinct’s CEO, Connor Marriott’s recently announced that the company is hiring again.

While the many client testimonials on Instinct’s website help paint a picture of what it’s like working with Instinct Education, we wanted to know what it’s like behind closed doors, for the employees working at the company.

We sat down with one of Instinct’s team members, Sarah Heath, to get an inside scoop of what the company culture is like.

Tell us a bit about your role. What is it that you do?

I’m Connor’s EA (Executive Assistant). My role ranges anywhere from taking care of his day-to-day to onboarding and training new staff members, and everything in between. I suppose you could call me a bit of an all-rounder.”

Sounds like a demanding role, do you enjoy it?

Honestly? I never viewed myself as someone who would thoroughly enjoy taking orders from another human, and yet here I am. Working for Connor has made me realize that my notorious resistance to authority was probably just a lack of respect for previous authority figures.

I remember when I was first interviewed by Connor. I was taken aback at the extremely high level of transparency, self-awareness and genuine drive that he displayed. It was obvious to me that I had come across someone who was walking their true path in life, someone who walks their talk. And throughout my time working here, that respect has only grown as I witness the monumental changes that happen as a result of our work. I get to witness the huge shifts in our clients' lives on the daily, and it’s extremely rewarding. So yes, I enjoy it very much.”

What’s it like working for Instinct Education as a whole?

If there was one word I could use to describe the group of people that I work with, it’s genuine. I can say with honesty that before I started at Instinct, I had never had the pleasure of working with such a caring, warm and growth-oriented group of people. Each person operates and works with integrity in every situation that they face. For the first time in my working life, I am not faced with some form of petty office politics, money-hungry mentalities, or greed. It’s a breath of fresh air to say the least.

There’s actually a handful of our staff who live in the same area, who choose to come into the office to work when they have the opportunity to work from home.*laughs* I can’t say that this is a common experience that I’ve ever come across.

As far as the environment, it's flexible and supportive. The only rules we abide by are our company tenants and we steer far clear of micromanagement. Each person on our team is trusted to work autonomously and use their best judgement in any given situation. This is the very reason why we are so particular about the type of person that we hire.”

Are there specific characteristics that Instinct Education looks for when hiring?

Absolutely. As I mentioned previously, we are quite particular about the people we bring on board. This is because the type of person we want within our team needs to have similar values that we all share. Self-improvement , transparency and owning up to one’s mistakes, eagerness to learn, self- reflection and a drive to succeed are all qualities that Instinct requires in a successful candidate.

We want people who are motivated to be the best that they can be, and help the people around them to do the same. The goal here is growth and improvement in every area. Growth as an individual, growth as a business, and growth as a team. This, in turn, automatically ensures our clients growth.

Though a lot of people might think that they possess these qualities. Many are unaware of just how inhibited they are by their own ego. And ego always gets in the way of growth.”

What makes Instinct any different from the other coaching companies out there?

To put it bluntly, what we do, works. Simple as that. So many coaching companies out there are offering services that are based on regurgitated information. They profit off of people who need help without actually providing them anything solid that will undoubtedly work. They follow outdated methods and use outdated systems.

At Instinct, our journey only ends when our client is successful. And being a part of a movement that is rooted with integrity and truth is such a rewarding experience. One that is hard to come by.”

Well, there you have it. An in-depth, insider view of this unique and fast-growing company. We are intrigued to see the impact Instinct Education and their new movement has in the long run for Australia’s coaches.