How to Increase Your Online Following
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Money is the byproduct of fame. If you are famous, you will see money coming to you. Fame doesn’t necessarily mean becoming a celebrity. You should just get recognized in your industry by your target audience. It also doesn’t have to be personal fame.
You can increase awareness about your business and make it a brand. You will see that it will be easier to sell and attract people when you are a brand. You will save a great deal on marketing and won’t have to explain why you are the right choice for them. Here are a few tips to help you increase your online following.
Invest in Paid Advertising
Paid advertising is the fastest way to build a following. It is not going to be cheap, but it is guaranteed to work. No one knows you in the beginning and there is no one to write reviews or recommend you to others. You will be ignored when your audience has never heard your name before. This is why you have to start with powerful advertising such as Google Display Ads with the help of professionals. Once they get familiar with your business, it will be easier to get recognized through other channels.
Publish Personal Brand Stories
If you are trying to get famous yourself, you should definitely invest in personal brand stories. A brand story is like a press release but it is less formal and focuses on the person or business rather than an event. If you publish these stories on the right platforms, people will read them and get to know about you. If they find something meaningful, engaging, and relevant, they will follow you.
Write as Guest Author
Writing on different relevant websites as a guest author is a great way to increase brand awareness. You will have to write some really useful articles that offer great insights to the readers. You should know who your target audience is and create content accordingly. Don’t advertise to try to promote your business in this post. Simply offer value to create an image as an industry leader.
Create Valuable Content
You should start providing your audience with useful content on your social media and blogs. You have to give them a reason to follow you. Your content will be the reason for them to subscribe or hit the follow button. They should know that you offer something that helps them; otherwise, they just have no reason.
Engage Your Followers
Your audience must be engaged with something useful or they might unfollow you. They started following you because they thought they would get something useful from you. If you are offering them the value they were expecting, they have no reason to stay.
On the other hand, you can get them to share your posts by offering them value. Your posts don’t have to be all about marketing. Provide them entertainment, trigger emotions, and conduct contests with gift prizes. You might have to hire a professional for this job, but it will be worth the cost.