Modern Australian
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The Digital Sage - How Virtual Offices Are Revolutionising Modern Business

  • Written by News Company

When businesses began to save money by transforming traditional office space into virtual office formats, the remote worker became the next best thing to sliced bread. Years later, seeing the benefit of the remote office, the serviced office industry rose to the challenge of providing businesses with a more efficient and effective solution to conventional remote working formats. Today, businesses have benefitted from a revolution that has transformed the landscape.

In its current incarnation, the virtual office is a popular choice for businesses and professionals working in the Australian business landscape. As a cost-effective alternative to traditional office space, the virtual office can be accessed from any location. Whether working out of financial hubs in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, or even the increasingly popular Canberra, professionals are transforming the Australian market simply by adopting the virtual office.

Continue reading to learn more about how the virtual office is revolutionising the current Australian business landscape.


Of all of the newer office solutions, the virtual office provides businesses with the access and reach far beyond what traditional office leasing can provide. For one, the logistics of the virtual office places most of your business’s infrastructure online. For this reason, a person with superior internet services and a device can access their office from any location around the world. See Servcorp Australia virtual office at to see the different amenities that come with the virtual office.

However, the virtual office also provides your business with access to a permanent address and phone number in some of the more prestigious locations in the world, much less Australia. More than just having a permanent address, you also have access to meeting and conference rooms in these locations. This is significant because prestigious locations also happen to be places that are highly sought after and have high foot traffic.


The virtual office has also provided both business and employees with a little more flexibility in determining both where, when, and with whom they work. Virtual office employees can theoretically be based in Australia but operate a fully functional office in another part of the world. This is significant because it makes testing out new markets effortless, it makes conducting meetings much easier, and lastly, it negates the need to spend so much on travel.

This flexibility also lends itself to allowing businesses to work with people from around the world, regardless of the time of day just by virtue of the fact that the internet has indeed made the world smaller. Businesses can remain in contact with each other in real time throughout the day, and transactions that would take days to complete even twenty years ago can be completed in just a few minutes. In essence, the virtual office has made it possible for companies to connect with other businesses from around the world.

HR Potential

The virtual office has even revolutionised the way in which businesses recruit, interview and hire top talent. Before the virtual office format, businesses had to go through a long, protracted ritual of hiring candidates for positions, and worse yet, these locations were limited by geography. Because of the time it took to find qualified applicants, positions often remained vacant for months at a time.

Today, those looking for work can upload their applications and resumes to any company or professional social media site. For businesses, the pool of applicants has become larger and has allowed businesses to cherry-pick employees from around the world. In today’s virtual office reality, businesses can hire world-class talent within hours, if desired.

How The Virtual Office is Revolutionising Business in Australia

For Australians, the virtual office has through high-speed internet connected this economy, traditionally known for agriculture, manufacturing and tourism, to the larger Asia Pacific market. To think, a simple internet connection has opened doors to some of this country’s greatest innovations. Because of these innovations, one can hardly argue against the virtual office’s part in revolutionising business in the country.



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