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Why do businesses need professional video conferences?

Every successful company holds business meetings with its clients, partners, employees from other branches located in other cities or even countries. To resolve important issues, management often organizes business trips to other cities, which are quite expensive for the company.

At the same time, half of these trips can be replaced by video meetings, which will save travel costs. Many video conferencing systems have a "presence effect" that helps make communication more realistic. And high-quality software, such as iMind, can give the desired result and good functionality for solving important issues.

In simple words, the presence effect is a life-size image of people and spatial audio, in which the illusion is created that the sound comes directly from the person. There is a feeling that the participants are in the same room and sit at the same negotiating table. This effect helps to quickly find a common language, better understand each other, and therefore make decisions faster.

A video conference can include several important elements.

Professional camcorder with good picture quality

Such equipment gives the effect of presence. Therefore, it creates the feeling that the interlocutor is nearby, which greatly simplifies the conversation. Most often, conference cameras are used that have the function of homing to the speaker. This makes video communication even more comfortable, because such a camera will capture not only the general plan of the room, but also a specific participant.


For events with many people, conference rooms are equipped with modern digital congress systems. Unlike a telephone or computer microphone, congress systems have a higher sensitivity. Therefore, your interlocutor will clearly hear your speech. Conference systems improve sound quality by eliminating background noise and echo cancellation. They also allow you to connect more participants to the conference, manage the course of the discussion, set the priority and turn of speeches, and control the order of the event. Additionally, such systems may provide voting and simultaneous translation capabilities.

Sound equipment

Thanks to audio equipment, event participants can clearly hear each other, despite the distance or extraneous sounds. During presentations and meetings via video, it is especially important that the audience can clearly hear the speaker or multimedia content. Any sound equipment is selected taking into account all the features of the room.

In simple words, the speaker system is installed so that the speaker's speech can be heard well both on the first and on the last row. To achieve the perfect sound in a room, engineers make precise acoustic calculations and then design the speaker system.

Video systems

In a video conference, it is necessary to show and shoot objects, and such events are often accompanied by presentations, slides or any other graphics - illustrations, documents and video materials are displayed on a large screen. In this sense, it is very important that all systems are well tuned and do not fail or distort. A large selection of quality equipment makes it possible to satisfy any task, depending on the requirements for image quality and cost.

When choosing a video display system, firstly, you need to consider compliance with the parameters of the room and the requirements of the customer. If the room is large, then additional monitors are installed so that all participants can clearly see the contents of the screen.-

Videoconferencing needed:

  • - large companies or government agencies with various branches and divisions in other cities or countries;
  • - companies with many remote specialists;
  • - business that constantly cooperates with outsourcing companies;
  • - companies whose business processes are organized by design (many teams);
  • - a business that needs to remotely present a product or service to customers and partners of the company;
  • - companies or government agencies that care about the security and confidentiality of negotiations;
  • - videoconferencing is commonly used by medium and large enterprises from various fields, such as: IT, education, finance, government, sales, recruiting and medicine.

Videoconferencing is a great alternative to business trips and business trips. It helps to hold scheduled meetings, remotely train employees, conduct remote lectures, provide video consultations to clients and gather expert consultations. All this allows employees of companies in any field, without looking up from their work tasks, to discuss important points with colleagues, partners and customers.


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