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Top 6 SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid This 2019

  • Written by News Company

Search Engine optimisation offers many perks, and if you’re a business owner, chances are you’re already taking advantage of it. However, some fail to realise that it takes an excellent SEO strategy to make your brand stand out.


Many of us fall victims in many SEO mistakes. This is the very reason why we still can’t enjoy all the benefits that SEO can bring. As an entrepreneur, it is essential to ensure that all your hard earned money and efforts won’t go to waste. Make sure to take note of the following mistakes you need to avoid when it comes to optimising your webpage.


No one wants their work copied and pasted on random websites without their consent. Originality is essential when posting contents on the internet. Plagiarism is frown upon be it online or offline since it is illegal. Google penalises those websites that do such acts and whether intentional or unintentional. Make sure to run your contents on anti-plagiarism tools like Copyscape before posting.

Website Not Compatible with Mobile Devices

Living in the digital age gives you the opportunity for easier research and find products, services, and knowledge off the internet using smartphones. We often rely on our smartphones and tablets when browsing the web during our free time. Studies show that mobile users make the most searches and website visits. If your website is not optimised for users who use mobile devices, they won’t be able to view your site. This can lead to decrease traffic, low search ranking and low conversion rates.

Slow Loading Website

If your site loads slowly, this leaves a bad impression on your site visitors. No one will want to speed extra time waiting for a page to load when there are lots of other websites to view. If it takes ten seconds or more loading time, chances are you already lost lots of traffic and potential conversions. By hiring the BEST SEO PERTH company, you can have a fast loading website you and your customer will enjoy using and navigating. The best SEO Perth companies employ a combination of technical expertise and strategic optimization to ensure your website loads quickly and efficiently. From optimizing images and reducing server response times to leveraging browser caching, they delve into the intricacies of web performance.

Backlink Buying

A backlink acts as a recommendation from one page of another. When there are lots of pages linking their contents back to you, it only means your page is reputable and reliable enough for others to trust your page. Even if you buy backlinks, your link won’t appear on high authority websites with genuine traffic. This is a waste of time and not to mention, money.

Wrong Keyword Strategy

Keywords are what internet users use to search for information they need. By optimising the wrong keywords, you won’t be able to accomplish your goals. You cannot get targeted leads, gain more organic traffic, engage with customers and get them to buy what you have to offer. The same goes with keyword over optimisation. Stuffing contents with keywords will affect readability and disrupt the flow of idea.

Not Asking for Reviews

Reviews are also an excellent way to build public trust. If potential customers stumble upon your business online and found you have many good reviews, you can increase your chance of gaining new customers. Fail to ask for reviews, and you lose extra points that could potentially get you more clients and revenue.


These are the most common mistakes you should avoid when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation. Make sure to remember the list if you want to make the most out of your SEO.


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