Modern Australian

Creative Offline Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

  • Written by Tanya Mayer

Marketing strategy today is largely dominated by online content such as The Jam Jar. Specifically, video marketing is a ubiquitous part of the business landscape, and for good reason - instant contact and engagement with clients and potential client bases and the potential for huge exposure should a quality bit of video marketing go viral on Youtube, Facebook or Twitter (or any of the other myriad social networking platforms). However, far from signaling the death knell for more traditional marketing methods, more and more startup businesses are looking to more personal strategies to reach or consolidate their demographics. Offline marketing is here to stay and can work brilliantly in conjunction with online marketing. In fact, more and more creative ways to broaden your company's reach are cropping up - let's take a look at some of the best offline marketing ideas. 

Face to face

Offline marketing is all about increasing the physical presence of your company or brand and reaching out a hand, sometimes literally to your base of clients or potential clients. What better way to do this than to put yourself or a representative directly in front of said clients? Trade shows are an excellent starting point for this direct communication - not only will you be able to shake hands with and talk to people, you will also be able to take your brand with you in the form of your booth at the show. Make sure your branding materials are clear and to the point and that your logos, slogans, and literature are memorable and direct. A booth at a show can seem like an expensive outlay but you will reap the rewards - passing trade and footfall are all but extinct outside of the shows - the chances of impressing some new customers and showing your existing ones that you are present and personable pay dividends.

On the walls

There are various ways to spread your message via high profile, highly visible strategies. These include renting a billboard, or if you have ample sized premises and location for your business, branding the side of it. Again, this can be a reasonably large outlay but the number of passers-by who will see it, often repeatedly on their commute, will mean that your reach will increase greatly. This works especially well if you are offering a product or service relevant to your local community. Likewise, well printed, professional-looking posters are a classic and timeless way to spread your message. More up to date ways include using urban artists to create murals or (legal) graffiti-style campaigns for you. This is a great way to tap into the street art zeitgeist and draw a younger demographic to your brand. 

Community reach

Organizing events in your local community is a sure-fire way to generate a buzz around your brand or company. Not only will you make yourself highly visible to a whole range of people, but you'll integrate yourself into your local community - and it's proven that people will be loyal to a brand that they can connect to in such a way. Whether you organize an event yourself or sponsor a local sports team (getting your logo on a soccer jersey is a time tested way to increase brand awareness in your local area) or festival (branded banners for stages, or drinks cups and merchandise) becoming one with your community shows your company in a great light. 


A great way to back up an email or online campaign, branded newsletters can be distributed door to door or placed in strategic places to further your message. People are more likely to engage with a printed newsletter than they are to read a lengthy email. All sorts of things can be considered newsworthy - especially if you're sponsoring or organizing an event (see above). Smaller things too - a new website rollout, a new product - all these things can be mentioned. It may seem antiquated to send out a printed campaign, but that is also beneficial - with less promotional literature arriving by snail mail it's more likely yours will be read. 


Everyone loves freebies right? Whether you send them out as cold call promotional gifts or repay customer loyalty with them, freebies are a brilliant way to keep your brand visible. Badges and buttons are a great idea, fridge magnets even better (the whole office will see your logo each time they make a cup of tea or coffee) and pens are always a favorite, functional as well as branded. 

There are many ways beyond digital online marketing to reach and solidify your target demographics. Offline marketing can be more personal, fun and engaging for your audience, and give a great boost to your small or startup business.


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