8 Ways CBD Is Influencing the Coffee Industry
- Written by Guest Writer

Have you noticed it, too? Have you spotted the quick transition from CBD being a panacea for seizures on the national television to being something all your acquaintances take regularly? Not so long ago, a small number of families were up for their children’s and relatives’ right to take CBD to ease their pain.
Now, you can find CBD in about everything, including gummy bears, chewing gum, face cream, shampoo, eye drops, inhalers, and, of course, coffee. Whether you agree with this trend or not, it seems that the CBD time has come, and it will stay around for quite a while. Plus, with sites like CFAH.org writing guides to help people choose the best products to aid with anxiety and depression, for example, it's becoming easier than ever for people to make an informed choice and start making CBD a part of their lives.
CBD is obviously influencing the industries it is introduced to gradually, which is no surprise considering the size of the CBD industry in recent times, with it regularly housing CBD companies and vendors such as Royal CBD and the vast number of others being formed daily. Let’s examine one of the main sectors that CBD infiltrated, namely the coffee industry. Coffee drinkers are always eager to try something new, so let’s see how CBD is changing the situation on the market.
1. CBD-Infused Coffee Reflects the Cultural Shifts
CBD craze is the result of the three incredibly big consumer tendencies. The first one is the growing popularity of supplements and, especially, herbal ones. This billion-dollar industry literally sprung up since the start of the 10s’.
The second cultural aspect is the development of anxiety culture. The popularity of small gadgets that are designed to ease anxiety has skyrocketed in recent years. Lastly, there was an important marijuana legalization.
2. CBD-Infused Coffee is Sure to Penetrate the International Coffee Market
Many investors believe that CBD-infused coffee will be a great product to infiltrate the international market. CBD-infused coffee is an emerging market sector, and many companies will start fighting for the place at the top very soon.
Venture investment specialists say that firstly, a couple of business entities will establish themselves as the leading companies in the CBD-infused coffee beverage market. And only after they have established themselves, they will try to enter the international market.
3. There Are More and More Coffee Shops
Because of the projected growth of the coffee industry, many young entrepreneurs think that it is a great idea to open their own coffee shops, which is not that bad. More competition means more coffee vendors that offer better coffee quality. It is a win-win situation for every coffee lover.
4. Many CBD-Infused Coffee Drinkers May Be Overpaying
If you tried an infamous CBD-infused coffee, and now you have become the biggest advocate for it, then we have some bad news for you. You just might be severely overpaying for your drink. If you bother to do some math and put some numbers together, then you can try to calculate the real price of a cup of coffee with CBD in it. Just add the average price of a regular cup with the added couple of millilitres of CBD, and the amount you get will definitely not equal to $10.
Even if the cafe you fancy uses the most expensive CBD oil out there, the place gets quite a big return on the investment. So, you can opt for ordering some coffee beans and CBD oil online, or even some pre-mixed and measured cbd coffee, and then brew a cup or two on your own.
5. Prices for Regular Coffee Are Lower, Respectively
According to Delish, respectively, there comes a nice outcome for regular coffee drinkers. The recent infiltration of CBD into the coffee market is one of the main contributing factors for this change.
A lot of cafes are introducing CBD-infused coffee, and, to attract more customers, they start to lower the prices on the usual menu offerings. If you do not care that much about CBD, then you can come to the popular coffee place and enjoy your favorite cup of coffee for a slightly lowered price.
6. Coffee Drinkers Question the Legality of Their Drink
When we drink CBD-infused coffee, some people may be concerned if they are breaking a kind of law. Legally speaking, CBD is in a tough place right now.
Indeed, CBD is banned on a federal level. But there is a big but. De facto, CBD is legal, even in the states where cannabis use is not allowed.
Scientists who study CBR effects and government officials are arguing about it. According to The Cut, for the time being, you can enjoy your CBD-infused coffee without any worrying. Nobody will really come after you for intaking CBD or keeping CBD oil on your person.
7. The Race for CBD-infused Coffee
For many cafes, offering CBD-infused coffee to customers is a life and death thing. There are so many coffee places that follow the trend, with only a small portion of them sticking to the traditional menu without any brand new recipes.
According to CoolThingsChicago, many coffee places have already adapted to this tendency and are on top of it. Moreover, now coffee shops are experimenting with the presentations of their coffee drinks to make them even more pleasantly looking, thus, attracting more customers.
8. Americans Drink Coffee More Than Ever Before
The number of American regular coffee drinkers is higher than even in 2012, and the figure continues to rise. Coffee drinking culture is rapidly becoming more and more popular, so much so that by the year 2023, the number of coffee shops is projected to grow eight times.
Of course, it is mainly because of the CBD boom. The growth of regular coffee drinkers is smaller than the growth of CBD-infused coffee fans. It means that new coffee enthusiasts favor the CBD infusion, while the coffee drinking veterans are converting to CBD lovers, too.
After All of the CBD Talk
It is quite interesting to follow the emergence of an entirely new market. CBD has had a peculiar start, and it will surely continue to surprise us as a product. According to DailyCBDMag, CBD-infused coffee delivers the same effect as if you were taking CBD oil as a supplement.
Therefore, no wonder that the new coffee recipe is getting enormously popular. With its benefits and drawbacks, CBD-infused coffee will surely remain on everyone’s lips for quite a long time.