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Essential Oils And Foods To Enhance Hair Growth

It's not always easy to control the food that we eat every day, but knowing what it can do to our body might help us with it. Healthy foods are your number one option if you want to achieve healthy and strong hair. By consuming too much junk food, you're just going to damage your skin and hair. I know it's hard to stop yourself from eating these delicious foods, but learning how to control the intake can do so much for you. Essential oils, on the other hand, is a different topic. These oils not only help us relax, but it also helps in healthy hair growth.

With so many variables causing our hair to shed so much, it can be stressful to find a faster and better solution. Good thing, a variety of tried and tested hair loss therapies such as hair loss medications and surgeries such as hair transplants exist in Singapore. If you're curious and you want to know the price of hair transplant in Singapore, you can read it here in this amazing article. Additionally, you'll learn the effectiveness of the treatment.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are oils extracted from the flowers, seeds, barks and resins. Besides the fragrances, essential oils often lead to a number of conditions and are a choice for aesthetics and personal care products. Antioxidants that retain hair and protect it from free radicals are abundant in olive oil.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has so many uses. You can use it for cooking, treating wounds, and even for hair improvement. When fused with essential oils, coconut oil is even more beneficial. It is advised to use on the hair follicles as it helps in moisturisation. It is also known to be one of the cheapest oils supplied to date. You can avail coconut oil in the grocery store or over-the-counter. It's very safe to use unless you are allergic to coconut.


Olive oil has monounsaturated fatty acids, which nourish and sustain the hair condition due to its high humidity level. It contains fatty acids omega-6 and gives antifungal and antibacterial attributes which contribute to the soothing of a damaged hair follicle.

Hormone dihydrotestosterone overproduction is only one of the main causes of hair loss. This hormone invades and weakens the hair follicle, which can contribute to hair loss. Routine use of olive oil can help to prevent dihydrotestosterone from being produced and minimise hair loss.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil may not be so popular in hair treatments, but there's been a study that it helps increase hair growth. A test has been made for lavender oil on the mouse, and incredibly this mouse has developed hair much more quickly. A few droplets of lavender oil are used to mix in three tablespoons of coconut oil, olive oil or rice oil. Mix the materials well and thoroughly massage the scalp. Leave for 10 minutes and wash off gently with shampoo. 

Castor Oil

Castor oil has always been a part of anyone's hair improvement journey. And even in the early days, this was used. Younger individuals are learning to use castor oil on their eyebrows and eyelashes as it helps to enhance hair growth. How does this happen? Well, the antifungal and antibacterial characteristics in castor oil protect the scalp against diseases, dandruff and folliculitis. It also consists of ricinoleic acid, which contributes to hair growth and increases circulation of the blood. Ricinoleic acid also stabilises the body's PH level that restores the hair's natural oils. 


Who doesn't love to eat? No one! Food has and will always be a vital part of an individual's life. Well, that's where most of us get our energy and nutrients. But of course, not all foods are good for the body and even the hair. Below are two of the most helpful food products that contain huge amounts of essential nutrients that our hair needs. 


Keratin, protein, and sulfur can eventually lead to hair growth. And you can get these nutrients from onions. Keratin and protein will improve your hair, promote the circulation of the blood and minimise damage. To use this ingredient, rub its juice on your scalp and hair and leave on for a few minutes. This helps to provide sulphur for more dense hair and protect against hair loss.

Thanks to the sulfur found in onions, it helps to produce collagen that is necessary to protect the skin and hair. Although it helps to improve hair, it is not yet a cure for hair loss problems such as alopecia.


Ginger is a very powerful antioxidant that counteracts free radicals that stop hair development. A few drops of ginger oil can be an anti-dandruff effect in your shampoo. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of ginger can help improve scalp conditions such as dandruff and itchiness. You can get magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and healthy hair nourishing fatty acids, all of which are good for healthy hair growth, from ginger. To use ginger, create a hair mask and apply it on your scalp, so you can also get more from its benefits. Ginger has recovery characteristics that can improve hair loss and resolve inflammation.

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