How To Send Your Kids Back To School After The Pandemic: By Experts

As the tides of the pandemic getting lower, most of the nations decided to reopen the schools. The return to school might be a welcoming event for the students but not for the parents.
For parents, starting to send their child to school can be stressful at the best times, let alone during the global pandemic. Although the children who had new admission this year might not have a problem attending the school, it will be a new experience. However, the children who have got accustomed to learning from home might get nervous.
Before you can send your child back to school, have an open conversation with your child. Understand what is worrying them and let them know that it is perfectly alright to feel anxious. If the child doesn’t open up to you, take help from the Best Pediatrician in Dubai. They will help you understand what is going inside your child's mind.
Preparing Kids Going Back To School After Pandemic?
Returning to school has taken a new meaning after the pandemic. Although education is necessary, parents are filled with new set worries. They are worried about whether or not the educational institution will balance education, social distancing, emotional needs, and their health and safety.
The risk to students from school disclosure, including lack of food security, virtual dropouts, impact on physical and mental health, must be weighed against the risk of sending your kid to school.
Should My Kid Wear A Mask?
With the delta variant on the rise, experts believe that this variant affects all age groups. Hence, everyone over the age of two must wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth. The American Academy of Paediatric says that everyone attending the school must make wearing a mask mandatory.
The reason behind wearing a mask are:
* Many students are too young to get vaccinated.
* Monitoring vaccination status among a large group of students and staff is difficult.
* The new variant might spread easily to young people.
Teach Your Kids To Wash Hands
Handwashing is one of the simplest and effective ways to stop the spread of any type of virus, including COVID 19.
Make sure your child knows to wash their hands frequently:
* Before eating.
* After eating.
* Before touching their face.
* After going to the bathroom.
* After touching pets or wild animals.
* After playing outdoors.
* After touching garbage.
* Ask Your Child To Use Hand Sanitizers
Experts believe that washing hands with soap is the most effective way to clean germs. However, if soap and water aren’t easily available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers will get the job done.
You must note that hand sanitizers are not as effective as using soap and water. Nevertheless, make your child understand the importance of hand sanitizer and use it when needed.
Warn Your Child To Maintain Physical Distancing
Keep reminding your kids that going back to school after the pandemic doesn’t mean forgetting about the social distancing. Ask your child always to maintain a safe distance from fellow students, teachers, and staff members.
Furthermore, encourage your kid to opt outside whenever it's a choice. While it is not impossible to catch COVID 19 outdoors, the transmission rate of the virus is on the high side in indoor spaces.
Mental Health Matters
In addition to keeping your child healthy physically, it is also important that you take care of their mental health. During the pandemic, pediatricians have received several cases of children experiencing stress, anxiety, anger, and other emotional reactions.
It is troubling to find children facing adult symptoms. This shows how important it has become to know what is going inside a child's mind.
If you find that your child is not coping well with the stress of going back to school after the pandemic, talk to the school authority to learn more about the mental health resources in your area.
Kids need stability during times of change. Try your best to be there for your child. This transition back to school might be the toughest thing your child has ever faced till now. If your child’s reaction feels different, talk with them and see how they perceive the current situation.