Common Causes of Hip Pain

As the largest ball-and-socket joint in the human body, our hips can sustain a fair amount of wear and tear from repeated movements.
While the hip joint is durable and designed to handle the constant motions, our joints are not indestructible and hip pain is a very common musculoskeletal condition.While many believe hip pain only affects the elderly, there are many causes of hip pain and it can affect children and adults of all ages.
Below are some of the most common causes of hip pain and information on treatments for hip pain.
What Causes Hip Pain?
There are many reasons for someone to suffer from nagging hip pain. As we age our cartilage can wear down resulting in hip and other joint pain, a fall or a previous injury can also cause hip pain. For some people, hip pain may be caused by overuse or overstretched muscles and tendons.
Some of the most common causes of hip pain include:
ArthritisWhile arthritis is commonly thought to affect the elderly, juvenile arthritis may also contribute to hip pain in children.
Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects the bones, muscles and joints. Typically, arthritis causes chronic hip pain, stiffness, swelling and redness in affected joints.The different types of arthritis include:
- Juvenile arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Septic arthritis
Our hip joint is a central weight-bearing joint and even a slight alignment issue can cause hip pain or injury.
If you have misaligned hips or uneven hips, you may experience:- Hip pain
- Discomfort when walking
- Lower and upper back pain
- Sciatica
- An uneven walk
- Pain in the lower spine and hips while lying down
- Knee pain
- Foot and ankle pain
Bursitis is a painful condition that affects the bursae, which are the small, fluid-filled sacs that cushion and lubricate the area between the bones, muscles and tendons.
When a person suffers from bursitis, the bursae become inflamed which places pressure on the joints. This added pressure makes it difficult to move the joint and can be very painful.Trochanteric bursitis refers to hip bursitis, which can be caused by injury, overuse, inflammation, arthritis or gout.
Other causes of hip pain:- Referred pain and other sources of hip pain
- Tendonitis (inflamed tendons)
- Muscle or tendon strain
- Injuries
- Overuse
- Hip labral tear
- Uneven hips
Can a Chiropractor Help with Hip Pain
If you're experiencing hip pain, it's important to seek help from a health professional such as a chiropractor for hip pain.
Hip pain can be caused by a number of things, such as poor posture, slipped discs and arthritis. A chiropractor can help identify the source of your hip pain and provide treatment that can help to relieve your symptoms. Treatment may include adjustments, exercises and stretches.Identifying the cause of hip pain is one of the first steps in chiropractic care.
If you're experiencing pain in your hip, you're not alone. Millions of people suffer from chronic musculoskeletal conditions every year. By understanding the causes of hip pain, you can take steps to reduce your risk of developing a chronic condition. Additionally, if you are currently experiencing hip pain, you can better manage it by knowing what to look for and how to treat it.