The Importance Of Strong Glute Muscles

The glute muscles are often referred to as the glutes, the hips, or the butt. In fact, there are three muscles that make up the glutes. These are the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus.
The three muscles are different in size and function but they always work together. It makes it possible for you to lift your legs, rotate them, and even extend them. What you may not realize is that your glutes are also an essential support mechanism for your back, effectively helping you to maintain good posture and move around.
If you have posture issues or pain in your glutes then your first port of call should be a reputable physiotherapist Concord. They can assess the issue and give you exercises to help heal or strengthen the area.
Pelvic Alignment
Your glutes make sure that your pelvis is properly aligned. This is particularly important when moving around. A badly aligned pelvis leads to an uneven walking gait. This can result in stiffness and aches in various parts of your body. It also increases the likelihood of injuring yourself while undertaking everyday activities.
When you walk or run your body pushes itself forward with each step. This propulsion is driven by the glutes. The stronger the glutes the better you will be able to walk or run without pain or incident./
You know you need to protect your back when lifting and that’s why it is important to lift properly, by bending your knees not your back. Doing it properly means you’ll be engaging your glutes. These support your back while you lift and help to ensure you don’t injure your knees in the process.
This is why the glutes are commonly targeted in exercises. They are strengthened when you undertake squats, lunges, and even donkey kicks.
They are also instrumental in deadlifts, bridges, walking, and running. It should be noted that long-distance runners tend to use part of the strength in their glutes, sprinting is better at building glutes.
By strengthening your glutes you will reduce any back pain you have or the likelihood of having any. Strong glutes help to distribute loads better.
Reduce Strain On Knees
Whether you’re a runner, enjoy walking, or just like moving around, your knees are an important part of the process. Weak glutes increase the strain placed on your knees, making it likely that you’ll have knee pain.
Strengthen your glutes and they will take the strain, protecting your knees from harm.
Get Faster
Strong glutes are also a great way to improve your time. Strong glutes enable you to run faster, leap further, and even lift more. In short, strengthen your glutes and your body will be better capable of doing an array of everyday activities.
The fact that your physical exercise and training will also improve is simply a bonus.
Of course, as with any exercise routine, it is essential to start slow and, if you have any existing health issues, check with your doctor first.