Discover The Foods That Are Bad For Your Teeth

Your teeth are very strong, they are coated with a substance called enamel which is the strongest material in the human body. This is important as you start getting your adult teeth as young as age six and they need to last a lifetime.
Unfortunately, your teeth are under attack every day. Sugar in the food you eat reacts with the bacteria already in your mouth to create acid. This can weaken your enamel and, over time, cause cracks and holes in it.
This then allows bacteria in to attack the inner part of your teeth. You’ll develop cavities and, if untreated, these can become serious enough to help you lose a tooth.
To combat this, it is recommended that you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. Alongside this, it is essential that you floss, use mouthwash, and visit a reputable dentist, such as this dentist Campsie, at least once a year.
You can also look at your diet and cut down on the foods that are bad for your teeth. It is worth noting that you can’t eliminate sugar completely from your diet. It is in almost everything you eat and provides energy for your body.
However, you can avoid or cut down on the following as they are particularly high in sugar:
Sweets and candies
The best option is to avoid these altogether. But, if you need a sugar fix choose sweets that dissolve quickly in your mouth. This will allow your saliva to dilute the acid and reduce its ability to attack your teeth. Chewy sweets leave sugar in your mouth for a much longer period, increasing the risk of damage to your teeth.
Any soda, even those that are sugar-free, will have acid in it. The acid can attack your teeth and damage the enamel. It’s even worse if they are regular sodas as they will have a lot of sugar in them.
Pickles are stored in vinegar which is a type of acid. Again, this acid can attack your teeth and cause you issues.
Red wine is generally considered as beneficial to your health if drunk in moderation. However, it also contains compounds that can absorb the moisture in your mouth. This increases the risk of sugar attacking your teeth and the likelihood of stains appearing.
Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are natural but full of acid. Again, this will attack the enamel on your teeth, potentially weakening it. You need to eat these in moderation and dilute them with water after to reduce any possibility of damage.
As mentioned, sugar is in almost every food you eat. That means it is hard to get away from it. However, it is worse for your teeth if you snack regularly. This introduces sugars into your mouth and keeps them there, increasing the likelihood of damage.
It's better to avoid snacking and eat a balanced meal with pudding. This contains all foods likely to damage your teeth to one sitting. Brushing twenty minutes after eating can help preserve your teeth.