When Do You Need a Dental Bridge Repair?

If you’re wondering about a dental bridge repair then you already know the importance of looking after your teeth every day. Part of this is having a great dentist, such as this dentist in Enmore. But, you also need to be prepared to brush daily, floss and inspect your teeth.
You’ll be the first to know when something doesn’t feel right and that’s when you should make your dentist appointment.
What Is A Dental Bridge
A dental bridge is a way of strengthening one tooth. It is used a piece of porcelain, although other materials can be used. The porcelain is shaped to fit your mouth, each end hooks onto a tooth. In the middle, there will be a crown piece that slots over a damaged, and repaired, tooth. This protects what’s left of the tooth and allows you to chew normally.
The same process can also be used to fill a gap in your mouth which has been caused by a missing tooth.
It doesn’t just help with the appearance of your teeth and your smile, it can also strengthen the teeth, stopping them from moving in your mouth.
Repairing a Dental Bridge
Dental bridges are generally very strong. However, they are generally best suited to the front teeth, a bridge placed over your molars can be subject to a large amount of pressure, this can cause it to grind down, shift position, or even crack.
If it becomes damaged then you’re going to need to see a dentist.
You should note that dental bridges can last for many years but they will eventually become warn and they can then either be repaired or replaced.
The decision as to whether to replace or repair it will depend on your dentist, you’ll need to speak with them about the options, although the final decision will probably be related to how bad the damage is.
Common problems with bridges are breakage of the underlying metal, fracture of the coating, or tooth movement that means it doesn’t fit as well as it did.
Issues With Bridge Failure
Once the bridge has failed, especially if it has cracked, there will be access points for bacteria to get into the underlying tooth and gums. This can quickly become infected and even lead to an abscess that will require urgent medical attention.
In the short term, this can also cause damage to your other teeth and potentially weaken your gums.
Life Span Of Bridges
A bridge should last at least 5 years and can last as long as 35 years. The exact amount of time they last will depend on the level of care you give them and how often you visit the dentist. The bridge may look fine but if bacteria do get through it then they can cause a lot of tooth damage without you realizing. If the teeth each side start to become sensitive you need to seek dental help, it’s likely that the dental bridge will need replacing or repairing.