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Showers vs tubs- Which is better?

  • Written by News Company

We all are living in a time where we all are working to make our life comfortable. When the word comfortable is this includes many little things that are a part of our routine life, and we all want them to be in a particular way. For some comfort and ease could be simplicity for some, it could be high-end products. We all have our definition of comfort and in the same way; we all want our means of comfort in our lives. Our most comfortable place to be is our home, and we all want to decorate and style in our ways.

Bathrooms are one of the most important spaces in our house. It is a necessity that is now a day can be count in luxury and why not? By the end of the day when you get back from your office, you need a long relaxing bath to release all your tensions and stress. If your bathroom is not comfortable and relaxing, you cannot have your perfect and relaxing baths. To make your bathroom spaces useful, there are a lot of designers available online just a touch away like typing designer freestanding bath will provide your designs with freestanding bath spaces with perfect rates.

There have always been debates about what should one opt between a bathtub and a shower when designing or renovating their bathrooms. Some people prefer bathtubs while others prefer showers, but if we talk in terms of figures, the people preferring bathtubs in their bathrooms are more than people preferring showers. This is because bathtubs are better than showers in many ways, and some of the ways are mentioned below.

Long bubble baths:

Long baths are one of the best ways to relax and have some me-time. These bubble baths are possible when you have a bathtub in your washroom. All you need to do is fill up your bathtub with the appropriate temperature water and light some scented candles around your tub. Lie in the tub as long as you want. You can also make these bubble baths for your loved ones. When you notice that they had a hectic day in the office, prepare a good bubble bath for them. This will make them feel important and will give them some time for themselves to relax and chill. Therefore, in this time of anxiety and stress bubble baths or long baths can be your escape.

Sore muscles:

As this era is all about being healthy and eating healthy, working out has now become a part of our routines. When you start going to the gym, or you start working out, you are going to have some muscle soreness. The best way to get rid of those sore muscles in to fill up your bathtub with hot water and lie down in your tub for a good 30 to 40 minutes. This may sound a little vague right now but lay down there, and it will work like magic for you. This will relax your body and soul and will help you get rid of the muscle pain.

Kids friendly:

If you have a toddler in your house, then a bathtub is your friend. It will help you in arranging and giving baths to your small one. It can help them enjoy their baths, and there is a lesser chance for them to get a slip or to hurt themselves. They can sit in those bathtubs and play during their baths that will make cleaning them easier for you.

Variety of sizes and designs:

You can find a wide variety of bathtubs in terms of sizes and design. You can select the size of the bathtubs according to the space available in your bathrooms. There are loads of designs available in the bathtub, which gives you an option to choose a bathtub according to your choice and need. There are some Victorian-style bathtubs available in the market. These are one of the most elegant pieces of art, and you can install them in your bathrooms. These bathtubs are a little expensive but worth it.


No matter where we live, the shortage of water in the world is affecting almost everyone. We all face a shortage of water supply in our area irrespective of the city or area we live in. Bathtubs give you the advantage to store water when there is a shortage of water supply in your area. Bathtubs are big in size and the water stored in them can be used for cleaning and washing purposes for days when used appropriately. This might not seem important to you right now and might sound a little irrelevant but later on, when there is going to be a water shortage in your neighborhood, this will sound relevant and will make sense.

Good resale value:

According to a survey, people when buying or renting a house prefer a full bathroom with bathtub rather than one with the shower. A bathroom with a bathtub can get you a tenant or a buyer more easily than a bathroom with a shower because a lot of people prefer long baths and long baths has a lot of health benefits as well. Therefore, bathtubs can be a good investment, and you get to enjoy its benefits as well.


A bathtub has many benefits as stated above, but the best advantage of having a bathtub is long baths. These long baths not just help a person relax or get rid of their after workout soreness. It has a variety of health benefits as well. It helps people with high sugar level and high blood pressure. It helps you with the anxiety and stress that is the root cause of almost all the health-related condition and diseases of today’s world. So do not think too much and install a bathtub in your bathroom as soon as you can and enjoy all of its perks and benefits and if you cannot decide which one to go for, consult a designer or visit a store near you.


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