Modern Australian

Make Your Home More Child-Friendly

  • Written by News Company

If you have a little one on the way and are preparing for all of the huge life changes that accompany the birth of a new baby, don’t forget to include your household set-up in these lifestyle adjustments. While your laid-back studio apartment may have been perfect when it was just the two of you, you will probably need to make some changes if you’re bringing a child into the home. Whether you’re moving into a bigger space or adapting your home to make it more child-friendly, use these tips to get prepared.

  1. Revamp your outdoor area. There are plenty of potential hazards that come with your outdoor space when kids come into the picture. Firstly, if you have a swimming pool, you’ll definitely need to ensure that all of the safety features and coverings are intact and up to date to avoid a potential tragedy. If you’re lucky enough to have a spacious garden area with plenty of grass, you may want to consider looking into synthetic turf installation sydney for a more child-friendly alternative. Playtime in the garden can get pretty messy when mud and grass are concerned – but synthetic grass offers a cost-effective alternative for parents.

  2. Look at your security system. Now that you have a little life to protect, you may feel more concerned about the possibility of intruders entering your property. Give your security system a check-over and consider installing alarms or investing in more effective locks or a security gate. If you generally leave a spare set of keys hanging out under your flowerpot, you may want to switch to a less-obvious spot or leave them with a neighbour to prevent unwanted intrusions.

  3. Set up a play area in the home. If you want to maintain some sense of order within your home but don’t want to stifle the fun, you could set up a kids-only play area in the corner of your living room or in their bedroom. Use a toy box to keep all of the toys and activities stored away neatly when they’re not being played with, and teach your kids from a young age that it’s their responsibility to tidy up their play area when they’re done for the day.

  4. Have fun with storage solutions. Storage isn’t the most exciting topic in the world, but when you have kids, finding creative ways to keep your home organised suddenly becomes a whole lot more interesting! Use stacking boxes, open shelves, and under-bed storage drawers to make sure all of your kids’ clothes, toys, and everything else they need is packed away where it should be and not taking over your home with escalating mess and chaos.

  5. Tackle the obvious accident spots. One of the simplest ways to protect your children in your home is by reducing the risk of accidents from occurring. Accidents do happen, but there are ways to reduce the odds of it taking place under your roof. Make sure all of your electrical sockets have safety protectors secured over them so no little fingers can creep in and get shocked, and pack away any cords that are easy to trip over. You may want to lock up fragile glass objects and avoid sharp edges while your children get through the crawling and wobbly walking stage.


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