Evening Primrose: The Many Benefits from a Wildflower
- Written by NewsServices.com

Who would have thought that Evening Primrose can be such a joy to have in your backyard? They are so simple yet they bring many benefits as well. Whether you want some color in your garden, you want them as part of your menu or you love its medicinal and beauty use, Evening Primrose is a plant that is for keeps.
Know the Primrose
The Evening Primrose Plant or simply called ‘Primrose’, easily grows on roadsides where there is enough sunlight. They live on soil even if it is infertile just as long as it has good drainage. Primrose can grow from 1 to 6 feet tall, spreading in a perennial manner.
The lemon-scented Primrose’s large flowers, opens up in the evening and immediately closes in the morning because of its nocturnal nature. Though it has many colors, it usually comes in yellow and blooms in months of December till May. Its sepal has spreading glandular hairs with flower stigma in X-shape. Learn More about the plant by doing your research.
Pick your Primrose Type
Oenothera Biennis
Oenothera Biennis is also known as Evening Primrose is a plant that can grow happily in fields, waste grounds, thicket and prairies. The flowers open at night-time and close up in the morning. It also has a bushy appearance.
Oenothera Macrocarpa
Oenothera Macrocarpa also goes by the name Missouri Evening Primrose has yellow flowers on top of green foliage with narrow, pointed leaves. It also emits a mild scent.
Oenothera Speciosa
Oenothera Speciosa is known for its many names which are as follows: pinkladies, snowy evening primrose, white evening primrose, Mexican primrose pink evening primrose, amapola and pink buttercups. The satin-white flowers mature to rosy pink ones.
Oenothera Fruticosa
Oernothera Fruticosa or cutely called ‘Sundrops’ is a day-flowering member of the Primrose family. It lives in four-petaled flowers in yellow clusters partnered with the contrasting green leaves.
Oenothera ‘Lemon Drop’
This colorful charmer is also called Greencourt Lemon or Ozark Sundrops. This bright-yellow-colored flower plant is a tough cookie that is able to endure drought and sunny conditions.
Plant & Care
Unlike most plants, Primrose does not grow when transplanted and is usually grown from seeds. So you can either buy seeds from your local store and plant it yourself or buy a living Primrose plant.
It is best to plant it in autumn or during early spring. And although the plant can endure tough conditions, it will need some regular pruning to be able to thrive.
Benefits to Enjoy
Since the Evening Primrose Plant is a wildflower, some gardeners believe that it is just an unworkable weed for their garden. But do you know the perks of having Evening Primrose in your garden?
It is Edible
Common Evening Primrose is an edible plant. It was considered before as a vegetable during the 1700s and still is part of many kitchens. It is said that the first year plant root of the Primrose can be boiled for 30 minutes, changed 2-3 times of water then spread with butter and served,
The leaves and flower buds can be used in salads after being tenderized. Though others think the leaves are tough and gritty when chewed with bitter taste.
Medicinal Aids
The Primrose plant also works wonders with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and obesity. The boiled roots also cure hemorrhoids while the boiled plant parts and flowers are also used to treat asthma and skin problems, inflammation, cuts and bruises.
The Primrose is so popular as a medicinal plant that it is also called King’s cure-all and fever plant. It is also said to help ease backache, breast pain, fatigue, depression. Irritability, arthritis, and even hot flashes in women.
Some believe that Primrose can also control diabetes, manage osteoporosis, lessen alcohol -withdrawal symptoms and promote fertility.
Pretty Perks
Primrose plan, when turned to oil. could help you nourish your hair, scalp and nails. They are also great skin-conditioner oils that prevent you from unwanted wrinkles, soreness, acne, irritation, and roughness.
Fragrant Primrose
The oils and the by-product of incense sticks dipped into oils, can create an aromatic fragrance that is both soothing and relaxing to the feeling. The aromatic compounds that came from the roots, flowers, barks and stems of the Primrose is a whiff that calms the nerves.
With the many positive extras the Common Evening Primrose plant can offer, it will not be a surprise if many would reconsider and add this great plant in their roster of plants in their gardens. So do not cut this plant out at a glance. You should try it yourself first, and you may find that having a wildflower Primrose is one of the smartest decisions you have ever made as a gardener.
Plants grow because they also have some purpose. It is there either to create beautiful aesthetics, give us food, medicine, as beauty products or to make us feel happy. Whatever it is, make sure to use it the right way and to make it beneficial to others.