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Trading like a predatory animal in Forex

  • Written by News Company

No one will tell you to be aggressive in your profession. Because that makes the end result of any project even worse. The calmer you are at your work is better for you. It is even better for the project that you are involved in. Because your brain can concentrate on the efficiency of work rather than jumping from here and there. But, some of the predators can also teach us some tips. Animals do not mean menace. In fact, some of the ferocious predators are so much calm when it comes to hunting for their food. We can learn from them. Today we are going to discuss some of the tips and tricks we can learn from the animals, especially the predators.

Be calm and patient

The first thing you need is, to be calm and patient while you are trading. You can learn from the praetors. If you watch some shows on the TV, you will understand how a predator prays. Take the leopard for an example. It is considered to be the fastest animal on this planet. But, it still waits patiently for the pray. When the time is right, a leopard starts the hunt and runs after the pray. In the case of trading, the strategy is the same, you have to wait for the right time to open a trade. It doesn’t matter whether the trade is bought or sold. If you can plan properly, you will be able to make some good amount of profit from your trades. And remember, predators, do fail to hunt sometime. But, that doesn’t stop them from trying. You should also keep this in mind that you must not give up trading. If the amount of losing trade is more than expectation, change your approach to trades.

Learning from your past trades

Do you know why the majority of experienced Aussie traders are profitable? They always assess their past trades results and bring positive change to their system. Trading CFD is an art and you need to understand the sentiment of the market. Without knowing the sentiment of the Forex market it’s really hard to ride the market trend. Being a new trader you might have to face too many losing trades but there is nothing to worry. If you stick to your plan and trade the market with high-risk reward ratio, you can easily make tons of money. Never think you can win all trades. Always remember the probability factors of this industry. Make sure you have a solid plan to trade or else wait for a clear setup.

Small to big trades

Step by step increment is the right way of improving your trading career. Because there are a lot of things you have to learn to become an expert trader. But, you cannot learn them all at once. First, you have to learn the basics like reading the price charts of different markets, pips and it’s applications, the basic procedure of trading etc. Then go for a little bit advance like using the pickup and resistance points to know when to trade or not. And, use the Fibonacci chart and timeframe to estimate the possible future trend of a market. All these things are like a chain reaction. And, you have to work from the base to the end. If you want to learn all of them at once, it will be a massacre. So, teach yourself step by step.

Improve the process

With learning the strategies to improve your trading game, you have to practice them too. And, demo trading is here for your help. Demo trading is like a simulator of the live trading in the real world. Here you can borrow fake money and test the trading abilities. The interesting thing is, you don’t have to worry about losing your investment. Because your investment is fake. And, you can borrow as many time you need.


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