7 signs your office is too small
- Written by News Company

For many people, an office is the most suitable place for conducting all their business activities. However, as your business grows, new people are seated within the same office. New furniture is added along with several other amenities like office desks Sydney, that take up space.
Soon, you come to realize that your office is not getting too small for all the people working here, and all the furniture stuffed inside it.
In short, the office space cannot cope with the increasing demands of your business.
In the article below, we will let you know about the seven telling signs that your office is too small to serve your business needs.
1. Storage is becoming impossible
The office spearheads your entire business activity. It is the brain of your business no matter how far-reaching it is.
Within this office space, you need to keep all the documents, files, and folders pertaining to your clients, your own finances, and many other important things. What else, all of these things must be kept in an organized manner so that they can be retrieved within a few moments when you need them.
Above all that, you need to have a complete stock of stationery and printing papers available at all times.
If you see that you and your staff are constantly striving to find a file or a piece of paper, or trying to locate a stapler or a pin opener, then you should be sure that your office is becoming too small for your requirements.
2. Staff is feeling uncomfortable
Within the confines of an office, the staff is required to sit at the same desk and chair for hours every day. It is essential that they feel comfortable on their seats. Good posture requirement is a must for all office goers since it can affect their health in adverse ways. They may develop backaches and other ailments. Moreover, it can affect the productivity of your staff, and by extension, the company.
The staff can only be comfortable on their seats when they have ample space to move around their legs and knees throughout the day. If you see that people are tangling their feet into each other every day, it is a sign that you need a bigger office or you might be needing to utilize your office space more efficiently with new desks, storage, and maybe even additional office chair options to ensure all your employees are as comfortable as possible.
3. Files and supplies are starting to spill over
If you see files and papers lying here and there in your office. You should be alarmed. It would mean two things: either your staff is getting lazy, or they simply can’t find space to stuff all those things in.
The idea is not simply confined to files and papers. You may also see a bunch of staples lying on desks, and the big hole punch trying to get your attention from a vacant seat.
Such a sight is enough to start thinking about having a bigger place since these sights are not only bad for the staff that are working inside the office, but also all the victors that might be coming here for business.
4. There is a need for buying office equipment
These days, office equipment like printers, scanners and copiers do not take up so much space. All these things are available in compact sizes and can be easily placed on your own desks.
The problem arises when you need big size equipment for the office. While the existing furniture and equipment do not make you worry too much about office space, a big addition to the equipment list may disrupt this equilibrium. If such is the case, you will get the feeling that the office space might not hold all the furniture, equipment, and the staff – all at once.
5. You and your staff are getting distracted
While working in the office, you and your staff may be experiencing distractions often. There could be any reason for this distraction: a person going to the coffee machine, or another person yawning.
These are all usual happening within an office, however, when there is little space available, the effect of these distractions magnifies so much so that a person working on his desktop gets irritated by the next person packing his belongings to go home. Another setback of a small office is that it seems to enhance the noise emanating from even the most trivial of actions.
This is a sign that you and your staff need more space. Moreover, if the clutter in your office is starting to get out of hand, it might be time to reach out to a commercial office cleaning company such as https://www.greenfacilities.co.uk/ to get your office looking back at its best. Besides, no one wants to work in a crowded, dirty, or messy office!
6. Three is little or no space for conducting meetings
Business meetings are part and parcel of any office. These meetings are conducted in every office and can have several employees attending them.
Sometimes, these more than one meetings are being conducted in the same office.
Obviously, for any kind of meeting, you need to have ample space to accommodate all the participants. You also need to have a table where those participants can take notes.
There are chances that you are finding it more difficult to conduct these meetings inside your office especially when two or more meetings are scheduled for the same time.
Of course, you can take all the participants with you to a nearby coffee shop, but it will increase the cost of these frequent meetings, and eventually hit your bottom line. The best option is to find a bigger office where there is ample space for conducting multiple meetings simultaneously.
7. You are in need of a more human resource
Your office may be big enough to seat all your current employees along with all the equipment and furniture. However, as your business grows, you may need a new resource to take care of different business functions.
When these new people arrive in your office, they will need space where they can sit and work. Moreover, every employee will require an increase in amenities, equipment, and furniture in order to provide him/her with support during their work.
The office space which only seemed big enough could suddenly look small when you hire more people. The area could become crowded with more noise, and distractions.
This will pull the shutter on the professional environment that you have been trying to build for your office. Productivity will decrease and expenses will increase. It will be much better to arrange a new office space where all people can sit comfortably and carry on with their work.
The Final Word
Finding out that your office is becoming small for your requirements is a good sign. Usually, it means that your business is growing, and profitability is increasing.
There is nothing to worry about when you realize that you need a bigger office. Just take stock of the situation, find a bigger office and carry out the shifting process with excitement and anticipation.