Building a Home? Tips to Ensure it is Pet-Friendly
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Pets are so much more than animals. Our pets are a part of the family and when we decide it is time to build a home, we need to consider our pets. After all, our pets live in our homes with us and we went to make them a priority, they are more important than a possession. When you plan a home where you and your pets will live, you need to consider what their needs are. Will they be safe from the road, how will they react to visitors? Here are some great tips to make certain that your home is pet-friendly:
Inspect the Area on All Fours
This is the view that your pet will have and the level at which they will see things. You should inspect every area that your pet has access to, whether they will climb up on something or jump up on it. There are some hazards to watch for including
Items that can choke or strangle your pet, items that can suffocate them or electrocute them. If you have any cords on your window treatments, you may want to shorten them or put them out of reach of pets.
Never leave food or medication out where a pet can get to it. Keep pets out of your food trash by getting rid of it on a daily basis. You can keep trash odours low by using baking soda and adding a lid that fits tightly. Pets that get into garbage can chew things that can then become dangerous or choking hazards. Certain foods can be toxic to pets such as grapes, gum, nutmeg, chocolate.
Only have indoor plants that are safe for pets. Certain plants are toxic for pets so you need to ensure the plant will not harm your pet before you bring it into the house.
Are you storing cleaning products or other hazardous/poisonous items under a cupboard? A latch can keep the cupboard closed and your pet safe.
Make sure your pet cannot access the garage where they could access poisonous items such as antifreeze. Latch and store these products high above any area that your pet can get to.
Keep the toilet lid closed to prevent your pet from drinking out of the bowl or if you have a smaller pet, preventing the chance it could drown.
Keep windows closed so that cats cannot access them and fall out by accident. Screens should be safe and secured so they do not pop out. Bars on windows are not safe for keeping cats in, they can get through the bars and outside where they may accidentally fall from a high area.
Make a Space for Your Pet That is Their Own
When you get a kitten or a puppy, they will look for a space to call their own. You want to keep them safe, so you should select a spot and set it up for them with a cozy bed, a bowl of fresh water and toys that are safe for them to play with. If your pet receives adequate exercise, it is less likely to get into trouble and will sleep through the night without barking or whining.
Place a litter box away from areas where you feed your pet. You want that area to be private but not too far away or your pet will not feel comfortable using a litter box or a training pad. If your puppy is too active and will not settle, you should consider crate training him.
Install Flooring or Carpets that are Safe for Paws
When you install flooring, you want it to be something that is easy to clean since your pet will be walking all over it. It should also be a produce that will take heavy traffic and still look good. You might want to cover your furniture to keep it new and safe as well. Carpet is not really a great choice for pet owners, but if you need to install it, choose a colour that is close to your pet’s colour to hide the hair. If you have a large dog, you should consider hard, non-porous flooring materials.
Groom Your Pet Regularly
When you build your own home, consider installing a special grooming area for your pet. You will save a lot of money by not having to take your pet to the groomer and you will spend much less time cleaning your home. You can use this special area to trim nails, brush hair and wash your pet. Use a vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair and clean it regularly to keep it in good working order.
Landscape the Yard to Make it Pet Friendly
Pets that have the run of the yard will need to be contained. You will need to install a fence, or an invisible fence) and find out which plants are safe for your pets before you plant them. Some plants are toxic to pets and it is a good idea to find out what those are before you do any planting. Consider installing an outdoor pet shelter to keep them out of the sun and rain. You can install a special automatic watering device so that your pet always has access to fresh water.
Install a Pet Door
Pet doors are much higher tech than they used to be. Your pet can be fitted with a collar that only allows them to go in or out of the door so you will be able to keep out other random animals such as possums and rodents.
Pets are a part of our family, and we need to include them in our thoughts when we design and build a home where we will reside as a family. Always consider your pets and how long they will be living with you in your home. A home is a place where you can relax, and you want your pet to be able to relax and fell safe there as well.