Modern Australian

Oil the Sewing Machine, or Face the Dire Consequences

  • Written by News Company

Sewing is an art! No art is complete without the right equipment. Sewing machine is the equipment that keeps this art alive. It is one of those machines that makes sewing fun, easy and fast. You can keep enjoying your love of sewing and even earn with your sewing skills, if you have a good sewing machine.

To keep enjoying and earning, you would need to oil the machine from time to time. Sewing machine oil is what keeps the engines running. Without maintenance and oiling, you can kiss your sewing machine goodbye. Have you ever seen any car run without mobile? The oil for the sewing machines keeps your machines running and in top shape.




Sewing Machines are most often considered to be the most unyielding and durable kind of machines. This is because of the fact that they are made of metal. Now, let us think about marble benchtops, after being repeatedly subjected to cuts and burns, it also starts to lose its beauty and give in to the wear and tear. The same is relevant to industrial sewing machines as well.

It is true that the sewing machines, especially the commercial ones are quite sturdy and durable, but the fact remains that they will all fall prey to wear and tear. This is because of the simple reason that, when you keep using it, the friction that is caused between the parts of the machine start to wear down the machine, with time.

This affects the precision and effectiveness of the machine and eventually cause harm to your sewing skill. Would you really want that? Drop some oil between the parts and see the magic. You will be amazed to see the difference, but why wait till your parts start losing its efficiency? Oil the parts of your sewing machine and form a blanket of protection, so that you can keep enjoying your love of sewing.




A well-oiled machine does not mean over-oiling the machine! So, there can be no benefits of over-oiling, only disadvantages. Drenching the machine with oil increases the risk of the oil reaching spaces that are not supposed to be oiled. This would cause harm to your sewing machine and not do any good to it. So, why even try that? It could even go into the insulation wiring, which is bad news. All you need to do is place the right amount of oil in the right place and keep on sewing to your heart's content.



As mentioned before, over-oiling is never good for your machines, so you should make sure that you never use too much oil. For this you will need means to control the flow of the oil into the machine. The best way to do this is using a nozzle or a syringe. There are various kinds of bottles that come fitted with a nozzle for easy delivery of the oil. Using a nozzle, you can also control how many drops of oil enters your machine and hence have the ability to inhibit over-oiling of the machine.




Always, remember to buy the oil from a reputed company. Not all kinds of oil can be used for your sewing machine. You need a oil that is made specially for the sewing machine. Purchasing the oil of a branded or reputed company means that the oil will protect your machine for longer time from all kinds of nastiness like rust as well as wear and tear. This, in turn, keeps it in working condition for many years to come.

Get a good bottle of oil to keep your sewing machine healthy and keep enjoy the art of sewing!



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