How to stick to your resolutions all-year-round

The start of a new year is commonly a time where we create new year resolutions, however, fast forward a few months and they often fall by the wayside. Reports suggest that 79% of Australians have set resolutions for themselves with health & fitness is at the very top (53%) however statistics have shown that only 12% of people stick to them
So how do we turn this around? Tim West from 12RND Fitness shares his top tips for achieving your goals in 2020.
Start by taking the first step
Build Routine before Quality
Give yourself a short-term goal of creating a routine, because once you have routine, results and quality follow. In order to achieve your goals and also maintain the progress you’ve achieved, think about making an initial commitment to achieve consistency in the first 28 days, such as aiming to make it to 3-4 workouts a week, and rather than getting caught up in the intensity of each workout, simply focus on turning up. Overtime, as you become more consistent in your training, you will naturally get fitter and stronger, and be able to increase the intensity, and therefore get greater quality out of each workout. At 12RND Fitness, we help our members to achieve this with a 28 Day Results Pack that includes a 28 Day Punch Card with a challenge to “punch in” at least 3 times a week for the first 4 weeks, and if our members achieve this, many of our clubs offer a reward or incentive, such as a Free Heart Rate Monitor, or discount voucher.
Keep Yourself Accountable
Once you’ve set your goals, tell people what you’re committing to so that you’re held accountable by peers and coaches, people whose opinion you care about. Not only will verbally sharing that commitment make you feel more accountable, it will give you a support network of people that will check in on you and develop an interest in your progress. At 12RND, our coaches work with members one-on-one from the very start to discuss their goals and what they want to achieve through their training. We also ask “what are you fighting for?”, which is a way of digging deeper and uncovering an intrinsic motivator to focus on - rather than just looking at fat loss as a goal, some of our members say “I’m fighting to be a better role model for my kids”, or “I’m fighting to improve my mental health”, and by sharing such an emotional goal with a coach or a friend, it feels more meaningful.
Persevere Through Hard Days
Don’t expect to always feel great, it’s okay to have an off day, or an average workout. Take comfort in the fact that you’re doing something and taking a productive, positive step, even if it’s just being happy with yourself for turning up to your training. It is important to always keep going. If you slip up now and then that is NOT an excuse to just throw in the towel. Remember, if your goal is to become fitter, it’s not going to happen overnight, it will take time, but it will be worth it in the end. Try not to miss your workouts, but if you do its not the end of the world, still show up to your next session. Progress is hardly ever a linear journey, every day is a new opportunity to make a change no matter how big or small.
More about 12RND Fitness
12RND Fitness is the fastest-growing boxing & strength concept in the world. They have over 80 clubs in Australia and are currently expanding overseas. They are considered to be the ‘UBER of Fitness’ in that they have No Fixed Class Times, removing the need for class timetables, meaning members do not have to book and simply arrive for their workout anytime during open hours, providing the ultimate convenience in Fitness.
Four-time world champion professional boxer and co-founder of 12RND, Danny Green has been an integral part of developing the concept. Seen training at 12RND are a number of high profile athletes including female boxer Taylah Robertson, AFLW player Jessy Keeffe, Brisbane Bandits star Logan Wade and AFL Collingwood players Taylor Adams and Levi Greenwood.