Modern Australian

How to Get TEFL Certification for Teaching English in Thailand

  • Written by Emily Lamp

English is one of the widely spoken languages in the world. As the national language in Australia, teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) has become lucrative, especially in non-English speaking countries or where the language’s literacy level is low. If you are Australian and want to become an English teacher in Thailand, this article is your guide to actualising your dream.

How to Get a TEFL Certificate?

Getting the TEFL certificate for teaching English in Thailand, or any other country follows the following process.

  • Apply 

Due to the soaring numbers of people who need the certificate, you have to apply for consideration. In the application attach all the relevant documents to prove your qualification. Being a teacher is a professional job, and it needs the seriousness it deserves. From clothing, formal language to punctuality, you need to show dedication to the job.

  • Qualification 

The minimum academic qualification for an English teacher is a Bachelor’s degree. A TEFL certificate of at least 100 man-hours will be an added advantage. However, in other instances like teaching basic English, the bachelor’s degree is not a must, just the TEFL certificate.

  • Vetting 

If you pass the preliminary examination, you now go to the face-to-face interviews. In Thailand, the interviews test understanding of the language, both spoken and written and conformation to Thais educational standards. As an interviewee, you should take precautions to avoid falling in scam alerts for TEFL jobs.

  • Affirmation 

After passing the interviews, the English teaching jobs in Thailand will be offered. Before accepting the offer, you must research the type of environment you will teach, and the logistics involved. Important documents to have is a work permit from the Thailand authorities. However, the diplomatic relationship between the two governments has increased Australia's population growth in Thailand.

Why Getting a TEFL Certificate is Essential?

  • Affirmation of Qualification

The first aspect people look at before contracting English teachers is their qualifications. Being certified as an English teacher proves that you have the knowledge to train others. Although English is the indigenous language in Australia, the TEFL certificate is an added advantage. Teachers who have an English proficiency course on top of their Bachelor’s degree have an added advantage.

  • Good Command of the Language

Understanding the English language is not just knowing how to speak, but internalising its composition, tones, and its structure. All this is taught, examined, and certified. Possessing a certificate to that effect proves the understanding and ability to commandeer the language. It includes a figure of speech, word orders, sentence construction, and vocabularies among others.

  • Gain Acceptance into Other Countries

Education as a profession has regulatory bodies in each country. They admit, affirm, and coordinate teaching activities within their jurisdiction. Also, they manage and coordinate educational exchange programmes, especially for technical subjects and courses. For an Australian teacher to get TEFL certification in Thailand, he or she must produce the certificate before their application is considered.

What to Look Out For While Considering Applying as a TEFL Teacher in Thailand?

  • Cost of Living 

compare the inflation rates between the two countries and note the difference. It helps normalise expectations and factors in expenditure and other basic needs.

  • Availability of Social amenities

hospitals, social halls, schools, and other social amenities should be there. They help in sustainability and integration into a new culture.

  • Proximity to Major Towns 

although not a significant factor, towns have amenities that can aid in reaching out to cities such as Bangkok, and even back home in Australia. 

About the Author

Emily Lamp is a professional writer, working closely with many aspiring thinkers and entrepreneurs from various companies. She is also interested in technology, business growth and self-improvement. Say hello to Emily on Twitter @EmilyLamp2.


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